Monday, August 21, 2006

Who'll Replace Tom Glavine? How About Glavine?

After the all the magnetic resonance imaging, angiogramic applications, electronic soundings, physical examinations, X-Rays and whatever else the doctors try on the shoulder of Mets hurler Tom Glavine, what will the doctors say in the final analysis? Ca-ching! Ca-ching! Ca-ching! And what will be the determination? Don't be surprised if Glavine returns to the club with what is known as a "non-diagnostic workup," or possibly a determination of little worse than poor other words, a fairly clean bill of health. No risk of stroke, no risk of a lost career, no risk of being out for the season, and no risk of missing significant time. Look for Glavine to make his next start at the end of the week, and remember you read it here first.