Welcome to MLB Rumors, where interesting reports, transactions and diamond deeds are discussed.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
The Holy Three
Iron out just a few more details and the New York Yankees will have the three greatest shortstops of the last ten years: Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, and Nomar Garciaparra. So let it be done.
Doctor X -- the 'Baseball Medic' -- is an anonymous U.S. government trauma specialist with a Duke University sports medicine background and more than 20 years experience in emergency medicine. From time to time he considers MLB rumors, events and news reports as they pertain to baseball players' injuries, illnesses and various other disabilities, both on the field and off.
MLB Rumors Editor
MLB Rumors editor Greg Fieg is a former sports news editor and award-winning writer whose bylines have appeared on the wires of the Associated Press and in numerous publications, including San Antonio Express-News, San Antonio Light, Houston Chronicle and Philadelphia Bulletin. He formerly was posted in various positions on the U.S.-Mexican border with Freedom Newspapers, and was a regular, independent contributor to United Press International. MLB Rumors staff writers